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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


Archive for the 'Brain Games' Category

Mistress Music

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

Just a few golden notes (from emails and conversations):

  • I’m in an impossibly dull and useless conference call–I had far more stimulation hooded, bound, and alone.  (after an “isolation” session)
  • It just makes me hotter to hear you giggle when I moan in discomfort. (denial & CBT … delicious)
  • The first time we spoke, it was love at first kink. (kink-a-dink-a-do, baby cakes)
  • Would you really make me masturbate in front of your girlfriends? (not ten of them … but perhaps a few)
  • You’re a Man Eater! (anybody have a toothpick?)
  • You’re the only woman I’d kneel for. (and he does it often)
  • Did you tell your girlfriends that you spoil me? Or that I am enthralled? (and he’s hasn’t cum in a month … oh my)
  • I am supposed to be working, but can only think about that leather outfit. (from my leather freak, of course)
  • Did I really eat my own cum for you? Disgusting! (but I bet he’ll be back for breakfast)
  • I am so nervous that I can’t call. (he did and now he’s mine)
  • You get wet when I wear panties for you.  Admit it.  (ahh … the eternally hopeful slut)
  • You aren’t just a sexy voice and sexy mind crafting sexy words, you are truly a wonderful person. (sweet boy)
  • Yes, I’ll use any pretense I can think of to reach out to you. (I own you *licking lips* yum)
  • I went to sleep with you on my mind, which is pretty much where you had been all day. (soon-to-be-knighted Romantic Savant)
  • I’m serious about meeting you. Name the place and time and I’ll be there (thanks, but no thanks)
  • I’m still trembling three hours later. (carry on, sweet pea)
  • How vile I am. (he makes my mouth water)
  • Cumming in a corner with my pants around me ankles? Damn, Girl! (don’t forget the lesbian action behind you)
  • That countdown was brutal. (❤❤❤)
  • I was fucking my girlfriend and all I could do was think about you and the things you made me do. (mission accomplished)

… and the beat goes on.  The beat goes on.

Tra la la.

xo, Angela


Thursday, June 14th, 2012


I don’t think you know that you just spun a masterpiece.  You did.  I’ve enjoyed enough of your works to know.

Love, Sandra

This particular brief but sincere email came from one of the most manly men I know.  I’m particularly fond of Mr. M, because he’s the epitome of what I would call the perfect client.  He’s outrageously charming, he’s brilliant as all get-out, he’s cute as a button and he trusts me to take his fantasies and run with them.

And we run with them we do.  It is always awesome and always my pleasure.

But, as you surely see, Mr. M. signed this email with “Sandra.”  Hmmm.  What could that mean?

It means, just for once, Mr. M. wondered what it  would be like to be giver of the blowjob rather than the receiver.  In other words, the female.  How would she feel?  What would her internal dialogue be?  Would it get her hot?  Would she crave his load? Would she get wet, herself?

And, ohboyohboyohboy, did “Sandra” find out.

xo, Angela

Testosterone is Evil

Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Why the Young Men Are So Ugly

Tony Hoagland

They have little tractors in their blood
and all day the tractors climb up and down
inside their arms and legs, their
collarbones and heads.

That is why they yell and scream and slam the barbells
down into their clanking slots,
making the metal ring like sledgehammers on iron,
like dungeon prisoners rattling their chains.

That is why they shriek their tires at the stopsign,
why they turn the base up on the stereo
until it shakes the traffic light, until it
dryhumps the eardrum of the crossing guard.

Testosterone is a drug,
and they say No, No, No until
they are overwhelmed and punch
their buddy in the face for joy,

or make a joke about gravy and bottomless holes
to a middle-aged waitress who is gently
setting down the plate in front of them.

If they are grotesque, if
what they say and do is often nothing more
than a kind of psychopathic fart,

it is only because of the tractors,
the tractors in their blood,
revving their engines, chewing up the turf
inside their arteries and veins
It is the testosterone tractor

constantly climbing the mudhill of the world
and dragging the young man behind it
by a chain around his leg.
In the stink and the noise, in the clouds
of filthy exhaust

is where they live. It is the tractors
that make them
what they are. While they make being a man
look like a disease.


Thus the need for Female Domination.  Because, really,  do young men ever really grow up?  Hmmm.

You can find  a list of Mr. Hoagland’s Poetry Books HERE and an absolutely wonderful piece by him on the nature of poetry HERE

xo, Angela

The Chicken and the Horse

Monday, September 13th, 2010

On the farm lived a chicken and a horse, both of whom loved to play together.  One day the two were playing, when the horse fell into a bog and began to sink. Scared for his life, the horse whinnied for the chicken
to go get the farmer for help!

Off the chicken ran, back to the farm. Arriving at the farm, he searched and searched for the farmer, but to no avail, for he had gone to town with the only tractor. Running around, the chicken spied the farmer’s new BMW. Finding the keys in the ignition, the chicken sped off with a length of rope hoping he still had time to save his friend’s life.

Back at the bog, the horse was surprised, but happy, to see the chicken arrive in the shiny BMW, and he managed to get a hold of the loop of rope the chicken tossed to him. After tying the other end to the rear bumper of the farmer’s bike, the chicken then drove slowly forward and, with the aid of the powerful car, rescued the horse!

Happy and proud, the chicken drove the BMW back to the farmhouse, and the farmer was none the wiser when he returned.

The friendship between the two animals was cemented: Best Buddies, Best Pals.

A few weeks later, the chicken fell into a mud pit, and soon, he too, began to sink and cried out to the horse to save his life! The horse thought a moment, walked over, and straddled the large puddle. Looking underneath, he told the chicken to grab his hangy-down thingy and he would then lift him out of the pit.

The chicken got a good grip, and the horse pulled him up and out, saving his life.

The moral of the story:

When You’re Hung Like A Horse …

… you Don’t Need A BMW To Pick Up Chicks!

Your Goodly Emails

Tuesday, June 22nd, 2010

What?  Did you think Phone Sex Goddesses don’t get emails?  I’m here to tell you that we not only get emails, we get fuckin’ awesome emails.  Well, at least I know I do. 

Then again, I kinda-sorta have a theory that there’s a direct link between brains and kink.  So why wouldn’t my guys send brilliant, funny, inspiring, insightful, cute and/or sweet emails?  And while I do get plenty of Phone Sex -specific (What’s a FemDom Hand Job  & Do you do Giantess fantasies? & When is the best time to call you? & Will you castrate me? & I will call again soon. etc.) emails, ll Phone Sex Operators get those.  I’m talkin’ smokin smart & fab emails from my cream-of-the-crop Phone Sex Callers.

That said, anybody who sends me email knows that it’s rare you get a response.  Because, although I read each and every one (oh, yes I do!)  —  I’m a very busy girl.  Really, really.  And if I took the time to answer every email with the "proper" attention it deserved, well, I’d never get anything else done.  As in anything else like Erotic Chatting about Dirty Things over the phone.  As in Phone Sex. 

And I do keep them, each and every one. From my SECRET file  ….

It’s always nice to be thought of:

I was out with friends, one of them being a therapist; and I thought to myself,  "I know someone who provides therapeutic value using nothing but her wits and voice." 

And then when walking in the woods, this little bit of poesy came into my head and I thought you would appreciate it:. 
The drops on the leaves 
Slid down the canopies 
I smiled as I heard the trees 
Rain down a round of sylvan applause. 
Love, Mr. H


Morning after (a three hour) Phone Sex Call:

Good morning, good friend and confidante and muse and lover and "one to whom I can say almost anything" and political transformer (of *me*) and fellow book-lover and theatre buff … and more and more and more. Have a great day!

I guess I, ahem, inspired him:

Dear Angela- 
When I was strolling down the street the other day, this is the thought I had: 
It all boiled down to this: 
She wanted my body, 
and I am 
a slut.

Who knows where it came from, or where it’s going, but that rang a bell inside me, so I thought I’d share it with you. 

Your Pal, Mr. D.

After a sing-a-long during a Phone Sex Call:

Do you know about the original  ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight‘  and the the neat history on how the poor Zulu that wrote the song got peanuts for the hit?


Oh, Mr. B.  You’re such a naughty one:

I’m thinking of auctioning off  my next orgasm since it will be two-plus weeks for me.   I didnt’ even do any edging.  Since climaxes usually give me migraines, this one ought to be a doozy!!!  I’ve got to be able to find SOME sadists around who would like a piece of that, right?  All are welcome to play.  However, contest results are final  (and sticky).

After he’d sent me a pic of his very erect penis:

My recent email to you, which prompted a "no comment" response:

_____A.  tickled you pink ‘cuz you can’t wait to frame it next to your Obama poster.

_____B.  mildly amused you ‘cuz it just confirmed your opinion of all men.

_____C.  mildly irritated you ‘cuz you really don’t want to get this unsolicited crap from me especially.

_____D.  really pissed you off.

Pencil down, Ms. St. Lawrence.  You are, by the way, guaranteed an A+, but we can talk about that later in my office. 

Mr. J sent me this cute Joke:

A little old lady, well into her eighties, slowly enters the front door of a sex shop. Obviously very unstable on her feet, she wobbles we way across the store to the counter.   Finally arriving at the counter and grabbing it for support, she stutters to the sales clerk: "Dddooo youuuu hhhave dddddiilllldosss?"

The clerk, politely trying not to burst out laughing, replies: “Yes we do have dildos. Actually we carry many different models."

The old woman then asks: “Dddddoooo yyyouuuu ccaarrryy aaa pppinkk vvvibbbratttinginging onnee, tttenn inchessss lllong aaandd aabboutt ttwoo inchesss ththiickk…aaand runns by bbaatteries?"

The clerk responds, “Yes we do.”

She asks: ” Ddddooo yyoooouuuu kknnnoooww hhhowww tttooo ttturrrnnn ttthe ssonoooffabbitch offffff?” 

 For my Poetry Jones from PQS


Thought you’d like this one:

by Ron Padgett

It’s not that hard to climb up
on a cross and have nails driven
into your hands and feet.
Of course it would hurt, but
if your mind were strong enough
you wouldn’t notice. You
would notice how much farther
you can see up here, how
there’s even a breeze
that cools your leaking blood.
The hills with olive groves fold in
to other hills with roads and huts,
flocks of sheep on a distant rise.

So what do you think, Angie? How many people will "get it"?

A little bit of devotion is always nice:

Miss Angela:

I hope you remember speaking with me a few nights ago.  Having never experienced anything like that  encounter, I’ve since been reading Zen Fetish and Blistered Lips. I knew you were special as soon as we’d exchanged a few words and wanted to learn more.  In reading all that you’ve written (what I’ve gotten to so far), I’m in total awe.  Now I understand I was truly, for the first time ever, in the hands of a TRUE  Goddess. 

I want you to know that I’ll be calling again soon, very soon.

I can’t get you out of my head.  But I’m sure you’re very well aware of that.

Sincerely, Slave J.Z

Okay, I think that’s quite enough for today.  I hope you enjoyed kicking the email tires with me, because I have a bunch more, which we will get to at a later date.  Of course they are all hidden away nicely in my SECRET Phone Sex Email File, where they will stay and many more will be added before we do this again. 

In the mean time, check out Ron Padgett’s website HERE

And PQS?  Sadly, I don’t think a lot of people will "get it."  But I do, you do, most of my readers do.  And I’m absolutely positive that Vanilla Savant will get it.  He thinks like we do.  What say you, Vanilla Savant?  Anybody else?

To Slave JZ:  Of course I remember you.  Don’t you even think for a moment that I wouldn’t.  You just might be capable of earning highly-coveted title of  "Favored Slave."  We’ll have to see how this all works out, won’t we? 

xo,  Angela