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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


why you need Her

Thursday, June 16th, 2016

goddess poetry






by John Austin

her gaze is so constant,
our every move
with such affection,
a ceaseless vigil
without condition
or agenda,
unrelenting in her

There is endless room in
the heart of this lover,
infinite space for whatever
foolishness we may
toss her way.

But she is also
crafty, this one-
a thieft who will steal away
everything we ever cherished,
all our beliefs,
all our ideas,
all our philosophies,
until nothing is left
but her shimmering
this simple love
for what is.


This poem was sent to me and I cannot seem to track down the poet. I think the poem speaks to what happens to a man when a woman truly mesmerizes and enchants him: he is transformed, cleansed, reborn. I’m not sure this is what the Mr. Austin was trying to say, but such is the nature of art, that whatever the artist’s intent, we experience it through our own prism.

And yes, “thieft” is a word. Who knew?

xo, Angela


Martyr for Phone Sex

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

Oh the Slings & Arrows …… of a mother effin Bitch Boy.

If you’re the sort who appreciates a bit of alliteration, we could call this particular rant post “The Incredible Case of the Curiously Obtuse Cretin.”  If we’re talking in soundbites, then our title might well be  “When Good Phone Sex Goes Wrong.”  Either way, in the instance of  FemDom Phone Sex, if something goes wrong, the caller is by default fully & inexcusably culpable.  Even though I did know better.

I knew better than he did — I did, I did, I did — that there was absolutely no way in hell a conversation betwixt the two of us could provide the “happy ending” he was seeking — the Utopian Sexual Nirvana he was hunting down like the Holy Grail, The Lost City of Atlantis, the mother-fucking Golden Fleece, Shangri-La, The Arc of the Covenant.   He was Ponce de León, looking for the goddamn Fountain of Youth (who thought, BTW, it would cure his impotence … oh the irony).  Looking for a long, long time … call after call, girl after girl. I know this, because he told me so.  And because I happen to have Super Powers.

I tried to tell him; really, really I did. Because I did know better than he did.  My spank-dar, which is hardly ever wrong, was screeching Danger, Will Robinson, um, I mean Ms. Angela. Danger.  (I said “hardly ever” not “never ever” wrong.  There’s going to be some problems when you buy your parts from a 20th Century Fox back lot fire sale.)

And it is, after all, right there in the sidebar (Quick Start Guidelines) on page 4 of  “The Phone Sex Operator’s Official Handbook” that I am going to write by the end of the year might get around to writing someday: #17. NEVER trust the words of a man with an erect penis in his fist.   His palms are sweaty and he can’t help but be one oily son-of-a-bitch.

Unfortunately, against all my better instincts and despite the creep creep creep of my trusty smarm-o-meter, I swallowed his bullshit, smooth lies and bracing promises, finally agreeing to do a Fantasy Phone Sex call with him.  Of course it didn’t work out and Mr. Smarm has nobody to blame but himself.  I told him the truth and he insisted on telling me different.

So let’s start with the email I received post-call.  In fact, so post-call that it was TWO WEEKS after our Role Play Fantasy via the phone when I finally heard from Mr. Smarm.  Don’t worry; by the end this will all make sense.  Of course, I could be wrong, and I’m sure if you had the chance to ask Mr. Smarm, he’d be the first to tell you so.  But this is MY blog and we’re not asking Mr. Smarm a damn thing.

Mr. Smarm’s email to me:

Hey Angela:

Thought I’d take the time to comment on our last conversation…

Well, I would be lying if I said that I was satisfied. It seemed that I caught you at a bad time and you really weren’t focused on our session. Also, I think that you [were] somewhat intimidated by me, and I really wish that wasn’t the case. I mean, I think that you felt like you had [to] think up something “extravagant” for me, but believe me – you don’t have to.

I wouldn’t mind giving it one more try, but I would like to catch you in a more relaxed/focused mood, so you can do your best work (and I know that you have an excellent imagination).

Mr. Smarm

So I guess the question is …

…  does Mr. Smarm deserve a response?  My usual policy when dealing with numbskulls is very simple:  Don’t.

The thing is that despite the fact that two weeks had passed, despite the abrupt end to the call, despite the absence of a gentlemanly follow up email, I was actually glad to see Mr. Smarm’s (TWO WEEKS LATE) email.  Because even the day of “the call” I’d given him the benefit of the doubt, allowing that there may have some glitch that disconnected us.  After all we’d already talked forty minutes at that point.  I mean, who stays on the phone for that length of time if they aren’t having fun, right?  And the platform I utilize for my calls had been experiencing some recurring issues.  So, yes, I was glad.  Until I opened and read his email, that is.

So …

I was glad, I was sad, and then I was mad.

Conclusion?  No way in hell does this jerk deserve another moment of my once undivided attention and always valuable time.  I adhere to the Fool Me Once, Twice Doctrine.  Logical and less messy.  Therefore, I will not be sending a return email to Mr. Smarm.  Unfortunately for you, I already wrote my response.

I’m sure you won’t mind:

Dear Mr. Smarm:

I was quite delighted today to see your email in my inbox.  That is until I opened and read it.   Of course, when I read your email, I went from pleasure to hurt in a heartbeat.

 Now I am fucking pissed.

Because I poured my heart and soul into that fantasy. Once we were off and running, the world around me dissolved into that office where I — and eventually Jennifer (remember the receptionist?) — accused you, abused you and used you.

And I did one helluva job.

Yes, at first, I was nervous, even a bit reluctant. Because, whenever a phone sex caller starts the conversation with,I’ve experimented with phone sex for years and most girls just can’t get it right” … well, it just doesn’t bode well.

… at your urging, I DID RELAX and took a leap of faith that you were true blue and meant what you said.  Obviously — as we now know two weeks too late later — you aren’t and you didn’t.

Otherwise, you would have taken that leap with me and enjoyed the flight. You would have appreciated the rich details and well-drawn setting into which I grounded the fantasy (the picture window from my office; your desk right outside my door; my pencil skirt, sheer black stockings and garters juxtaposed against barely legal Jennifer’s sundress and wedge heels). You would have been savvy enough to realize that this girl on the other side of the phone was having the time of her life.   That she was firing on all pistons, creating our own special world and having a fucking blast doing it.

And, by the way, you should have answered truthfully when I took those moments during the call to pause and ask if the direction I was taking was doing it for you.  Instead you lied.  And now look where we are.

As for your statement that “I think that you felt like you had to think up something “extravagant” for me …”  Huh?  What? Do you not get what I do? Have you not read my FREE Phone Sex Preview Stories? There’s plenty of samples of my work, so that New Callers know exactly what I’m about.  Unlike you, I don’t pull any punches.

 Have you ever entertained the possibility, Sir Pants-Down-a-Lot, that the problem lies with you and not me?  After all, you’re the one who’s spent a little bit less than a lifetime looking for the perfect Phone Fuck.  It has been said of me, “The way she riffs on matters sexual and otherwise, she is my white Billie Holiday, a 21st century Anais Nin with just a touch of Machiavelli.”  I could quote caller after caller, but you can read all of my Phone Sex Reviews — at your leisure, of course, when you’re taking a break from your great and almighty Phone Sex Fantasy Crusade.

I think you’re confusing “extravagance” with “virtuosity.”

And Haven’t you still been on the prowl, trying out another and another and yet another Phone Sex Girl, still looking for your Phone Sex Fix these past two weeks?   Never mind, don’t answer that.  I already know you were.  I know it for a FACT.  Remember, I have Super Powers.

I dunno, maybe you had a PSO some years ago that rocked your world and the rest of us simply pale in comparison. Maybe we’re all inept and you’re just a customer getting poor service from every single one of us.  It must be a tough to be a Martyr for Phone Sex, traversing the minefield of Broken Wet Dreams.

The bottom line is that I have no desire to ever speak with you again. I gave you everything I had and you trashed it.  The coup de grâce is that you actually have the balls to say that you “wouldn’t mind giving it one more try.”  Are you demented or delusional?   Which is it?

Never mind, because guess what.  I would mind.  I would mind it very much.  I’d rather spend my time with the myriad men who find me creative and perfect just the way I am.


We now return to our regularly scheduled perversion.  If you’ve lost your remote, it might be between the couch cushions or just look right here.

Whew! I don’t know about you guys, but I need a drink of water after all that.  Maybe even a Xanax.

And why is that song banging around in my head?  Oh no I’ve said too much, I haven’t said enough … tra la la.   That’s me in the corner, that’s me in the spotlight.  Losing my religion … tra la la.

On My FemDom Good Side

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

•••Secrets in Lace•••

How does he get there?

How does the phone sex caller end up on my good side when he hasn’t called in quite a  while?   Obviously, no phone means no do re mi for me me me.  Certainly not an optimal business arrangement as far as I’m concerned.  Time is money, no matter the profession, doncha know?  But he did earn his way to and has stayed steadily on my good side since the very beginning of my Phone Sex Career. 

Obviously history and mutual appreciation count for a lot, but how does one reinforce that connection and stay Angela Approved when only sending email?

Well a little bit of self-deprecation (auto-erotic humiliation?) mixed in with at least a pretense of timorousness goes a long way. 

Not to mention an exuberance for all things kinky (see the PS and click the Secrets in Lace link) and a comfortable, gleeful acceptance on one’s own particular bent.    Why is this important?  Because there is NOTHING WORSE than a phone sex caller who is embarrassed about his perversions. 

DO apologize profusely.  Do grovel … in that puppy dog way that makes me want to pet you and not kick you.  In the nuts.

DO be cute and charming.  Do make silly disarming jokes.  Do purposefully and eruditely mention things we’ve discussed so that I know that you truly do care and really are paying attention.  It matters more than you could possible understand.

DO include a "Daily Healing List."  Or something of that sort, along those lines, in that neighborhood, that shows me your efforts are sincere and from the heart.  Emailing and the ability to Copy & Paste have made for some pretty lazy communicators these days.  It’s tedious and time-wasting.  If that’s the best you can do, just don’t.

DO be sooo enamored with your personal sexual obsessions — in this case, curv-a-licious women in outrageously feminine and sexy as all get-out vintage (and vintage-inspired) lingerie — that with neither compunction nor discomfiture you recommend NOTHING LESS THAN a Nobel prize to the website tickling your fetish fancy.

In other words, make certain that I can do nothing less that adore you right back.


From a very good boy …..

Beloved and Darling Miss Angela:

OK, first things first: I am an asshole.  I really really really apologize for sending you a bunch of crap and kind-of nagging emails. I am so very sorry.  I didn’t mean to and just kind of got caught up in the moment, so I hope you will forgive me.

Now for the more important part of the apology:

I am aware that you have a life other than being the best conversationalist on earth. But temporarily I forgot about it.

So I fully understand that there are things in "real life" that you have to deal with, whereas I was being Mr. Computer Guy and Mr. Horny Goat… Thank you for being so patient and polite. I deserved neither. I’m not being a masochist, I’m just having a burst of unpleasant introspection, where I’m seeing myself in the mirror, and I don’t like what I see. And if there is one thing I want to always do is to treat people I like and appreciate with appreciation and respect and politeness.

I know that you experienced some tragedies in life (a brother that had drug problems I believe) and I know that you have a very good relationship with your mom and that you are (if I’m not mistaken) the one that is geographically closest to her. I know you love and care for your mom, and since you never mentioned a dad, I can assume (forgive me for assuming) that you are in some ways her primary caregiver. Having said all of that I can understand how scary and difficult it is to handle any unpleasant fluctuations in the Mom front. I think (again forgive me for assuming) that you guys are not just mom and daughter but also great friends. That makes things even more difficult: it’s not just filial responsibility, it’s also caring for someone you love.

I hope your Mom is OK. Again I apologize for assuming that there were some medical complications, but that’s what it sounded like from your brief email.

Oh dear… now I’m thinking maybe I’m being a total drama queen. Maybe the whole thing was just about your cat Mitzi breaking a 4800 year-old Ming vase at your mom’s villa in Cabo San Lucas. (Darn it! I knew I shouldn’t have watched 3 seasons of "The Hills". All that drama messed up my brain chemistry forever, not to mention causing me to lose 40 IQ points. And all because of Heidi and Spencer, the vile douchebags.)

Anyhow, I hope all is well, or as well as it can be. I have gone through some tough shit in the last year (Last year? How about the last decade?) so I can tell you that it is important to take care of yourself. Caring for yourself is an act of daily healing.

Daily Healing List:

Eat well. Veggies, fruits, no meat in the evening, olive oil, long grain rice, whole grain breads, etc.
– Don’t smoke. (ABSOLUTELY NO DRUGS!!!)
– Drink wine with food. A bottle a week.
– Have a daily non-exhausting workout regimen. Swim if you can, ride a bicycle if you enjoy it.
– Read good books.
– Drink 2 liters of good liquids a day. That’s 8 cups. "Good" means no Cola, Pepsi, etc. Yes, you will pee a lot, but so what?
– Don’t eat trashy junk food. (Tostitos, Oreos, Doritos, potato chips, etc)
– Sleep well.
– Air out your house every day.
– Make sure your bedroom is clean and organized.
– Floss every day. (The more you floss the less it will hurt.)
– Pamper yourself. Buy an electric toothbrush, drink flavored teas, own a soft bathrobe, eat spinach salad even if it’s more expensive than lettuce, buy a small wooden stool for when you stretch your feet, own a piece of satin lingerie, experiment with different fun lipsticks, read Marcel Proust in bed in satin lingerie, get a professional manicure once a month.
– Have a plant, even if it’s a cactus.
– Read about religion. Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, whatever. Exclude Islam which is a gang, Mormonism which is a corporation and AlGoreanism which is a scam. Read about history – the French Revolution, the Ming Dynasty, the Greeks, the Persians, etc etc. Both provide calm and perspective.
– Hang paintings and pictures on the walls.
– If you have the space, have a nicely upholstered old-school comfortable couch in your bedroom.

So this is my gift to you. The trick to spoiling yourself with small simple things, on a daily basis, and most are inexpensive. I hope that I’m not going too Deepak Chopra on you. (I think he is a douche. But I’m saying that with love.) (Or as Triumph the insult comic dog would say, "He is a nice guy,… for me to poop on!")

And forget all my stupid and childish nagging about that image. You know, I’m sure I have a backup of it somewhere (or ten), and this will motivate me to put all my dvd’s in order, and to write that utility to catalog and search the dvd’s. Seriously. Sorry for nagging you. Meanwhile what the heck am I going to do with the 45 megabytes of black-and-white porn? Oh wait… yes… what a grand idea! 😉

Meanwhile that image I sent you has given me an idea. The problem with pegging is that for some reason people assume that men who like that are either masochists, or gay, or want to be sissified. I’m going to write a manifesto for men who love women who finger their men’s butt and more. A paean to prostate massaging and draining if you will. Oh yes, I can feel the Homeric juices flowing in me. This will be greater that the Odyssey and the Iliad put together! A portal to a higher level of intimacy between men and women shall be opened! And now the oppressed and unsatisfied (and unwashed) masses will have to thank me. 😉

OK, I just went over a 1000 words, so time to wrap this email.

Again, and seriously so, sorry for nagging you, I hope and pray that all is well with you and your loved ones, and that life lets you rest and sigh with relief once in a while. And as always, I stand by my unshakeable assertion: that you are the best, the very very best.

Thank you for taking the time to read my emails.

Humbly and adoringly, Mr. B

PS.  The amazing site you introduced me to, Secrets in Lace, has a new item and a new model — both of which are driving me to distraction.  Normally, I’m not very big on blondes, but this woman is in a class of her own.  The picture of the blonde and the brunette (here) is just heaven. I won’t indulge in details, but when I landed on this page half my day was shot, and I literally had to take two rests in between. That site is heaven. It’s art and desire and fantasy fulfillment and style and time and and and. They deserve a Nobel prize.)


Dear Mr. B.:

While you didn’t "indulge in details," I know exactly what you did while you were there.  And you did it more than once, didn’t you?  You know I know, don’t you?

And I have to admit, there really is something quite charming, even disarming, about a man who detours the hard stuff for Secrets and Lace … and shoots half a day.  Or maybe more?

If you get my drift.  Because I certainly get yours.  *wink*

xo, Angela

So many boys …

Saturday, June 26th, 2010

From Lochers … where there’s a HUGE SALE right now.

On your knees NOW, boy!

Monday, June 7th, 2010

photo credit: Tales from Tanya