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Angela St. Lawrence is the reigning queen of high-end, long distance training and Femme Domme phone sex, providing esoteric depravity for the aficionado, specializing in Erotic Fetish, Female Domination, Cock Control, Kinky Taboo and Sensual Debauchery. To make an appointment or speak with Ms. St. Lawrence  ...


Plagiarizing Pervert Savant

My beloved Pervert Savant sends the following poem, “with apologies to Betty Krainis, whose poem “Keep it Low“, I blatantly plagiarized from.” (But, hey, he’s at least trying, so give the little deviate a break…why don’t ya?):

Angie St. Lawrence is her name
And oral fantasy is her game

If your sex life’s a bleak November
She’s human Viagra for your member

Like to dress in women’s clothes?
Be abused? Suck a nose?

Mince about? Like a sissy?
Better call this sexy Missy!

Is your pleasure cunnilingus?
Or a dildo in your dingus?

Care to suck a zoo gorilla?
Or just do it straight vanilla?

Ever try it hot and dental?
Angie’ll do you; she’s non-judgmental

Got a thing for women’s toes?
Whips and chains? Or pantyhose?

It doesn’t matter. What’s your pleasure?
Just call Angie at your leisure

Some PSOs aren’t real smart
They’ll take your money, then depart

Angie’s different. She’s a honey
You’ll get a GOOD ride for your money!

So don’t just sit there in your panties
Dial up Angie. She’ll wear scanties!

(And Mr. PQS: You really didn’t do much plagiarizing. You just did what most poets do all the time. Which was to admire a rhyme or conceit or metric or pattern or whatever…and run with it. That is how it all gets written, don’t you know?)

And for something completely different, check out my first-ever erotic/dirty sonnet, I Love You with all of my Hard-On, published at Sex Kitten recently.

And did you notice, there is no title for Pervert Savant’s poem? Any ideas out there?

xo, Angela

6 Responses to “Plagiarizing Pervert Savant”

  1. david Says:

    Very cute. Now we’ll all want to start writing Angela poetry.

    Honestly, Mr. Savant did a very good job.

    A title? Surrender High

  2. metro man Says:

    Titles: Plagiarizing Pervert Savant Writes
    Of Gorillas and Pantyhose
    Pervert Rhythm

    And your “sonnet” at Sex Kitten? I think it’s the best thing you’ve done.

  3. Michelle Says:

    I agree that your poetry, and that of your admirers, is fabulous. I must gather my senses to attempt an ode of my own… I’ll probably try a Haiku format.
    Angela, I work in marketing, and the kind of loyalty and support you seem to generate from your customers would make any brand blush…very impressive!

  4. Booklover Says:

    Congrats to the Pervert Savant! Gorilla/vanilla made me laugh out loud, as did several other clever rhymes. “If praise of Angie’s what you want,/Simply ask Pervert Savant!”

  5. jeremy Says:

    How bout “Tele-Real”?

  6. PQS Says:

    November Viagra

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